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Run Node.js Applications

This article describes how to run a Node.js installation in userspace.

The installation in userspace can be recommended for several reasons:

  1. It gives you control over which Node.js version you use.
  2. You can use different versions for different applications.
  3. It allows you to install "global" npm packages.

Using the "Node Version Manager", hereafter called nvm, you can install and manage multiple Node.js versions.

The current version of nvm can be found at

Installation of nvm

nvm is installed via an installation script, which can be retrieved from Github with curl:

curl -o- | bash

This will install nvm directly and export it to your .bashrc. To be able to use nvm directly via the CLI, the .bashrc must be read in again:

source .bashrc

Usage of NVM

Show available version

nvm ls-remote

Check installed versions

nvm ls

Installing a version

Install the latest LTS version

nvm install 'lts/*'

Install a specific version

nvm install 5.0

Use a specific version

nvm alias default 'lts/*'

Use an arbitrary version in the current session

nvm use 5.0

Run a command with a specific version

# nvm exec [<version>] [<command>]
# Run <command> on <version>. Uses .nvmrc if available and version is omitted.
nvm exec 5.0 node --version

Configure a Node.js version for a specific project

This can be done using a .nvmrc file:

$ cat .nvmrc

Manage Applications with Process Manager (pm2)

pm2 is a process manager for Node.js applications with an integrated load balancer. Among other things, this enables you to run applications permanently, reload applications without downtime and simplify common administration tasks.

You can install pm2 with the following command:

npm install pm2 -g

Usage of pm2

Start applications

pm2 start app.js

Start multiple instances of an application in cluster mode

pm2 start app.js -i 4

Update pm2

pm2 update

Process Monitoring

pm2 list            # List all processes started with PM2
pm2 monit # Display memory and cpu usage of each app
pm2 show [app-name] # Show all information about application

Startup/Boot management

pm2 startup   # Detect init system, generate and configure pm2 boot on startup
pm2 save # Save current process list
pm2 resurrect # Restore previously save processes
pm2 unstartup # Disable and remove startup system

Start Application after Reboot with Systemd

To start pm2 as a user service when the system is restarted, a systemd unit (~/.config/systemd/user/pm2.service) can be used:

Description=PM2 process manager




ExecStart=%h/.nvm/nvm-exec pm2 resurrect
ExecReload=%h/.nvm/nvm-exec pm2 reload all
ExecStop=%h/.nvm/nvm-exec pm2 kill


More information about how to use SystemD is available in the following support article.