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Does Nine provide (D)DoS protection options?

Official Cloudflare Partner

Nine is a Cloudflare partner and offers the services of Cloudflare with the needed consulting and configuration for your environment.

This is available as option for our products (including "Unmanaged" products).

Cloudflare Protection

To secure your infrastructure from (D)DoS attacks, web access (HTTP & HTTPS) will be routed via the systems of Cloudflare. Cloudflare is checking the accesses and will block these if there is an attack detected.

This way, Cloudflare disguises the target infrastructure and protects it from an overload.

Furthermore, Cloudflare offers plentiful options to protect your applications from attacks. This includes Cross-Site-Scripting and SQL injections attacks.

Cloudflare also offers a base rule set for the common CMS / CRM.


Cloudflare is not only a great protection layer, but also excels at speeding up the delivery of content. The global network makes sure that requests are always served from an exchange that is geographically near the user. As these exchange knots are also able to cache content, even users outside of Europe will profit from the enhancements of the Cloudflare network.

With the direct links to all major internet exchanges, not only far away will profit, but also companies specialized to the swiss market will profit from the various options and improvements Cloudflare offers.

First Steps

The services and options of Cloudflare are plentiful, a support article will never cover your exact needs. If you're interested in how Cloudflare can add value to your environment, please get in touch with us via email at Support or phone +41 44 637 40 40 .