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User and Database Management

This document provides a guide to creating and managing databases and users in your on-demand database environment. It covers both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.


  1. Create a database in Cockpit and note the connection details (FQDN, username, and password).

  2. MySQL and PostgreSQL command line interface tools are required to follow this article.


Connecting to your Database:

mysql -h FQDN -u dbadmin -p

Creating a new database named app_prod:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE app_prod;

Creating a new user named app_prod:

mysql> CREATE USER 'app_prod' IDENTIFIED BY 'strongpassword';

Granting the user app_prod privileges to the database app_prod:

mysql> GRANT ALL ON app_prod.* TO 'app_prod'@'%';

For granting more specified privileges, find the details in the official MySQL documentation: Summary of Available Privileges

Changing the user app_prod's password:

mysql> ALTER USER app_prod IDENTIFIED BY 'newstrongpassword';

Deleting the database app_prod:

mysql> DROP DATABASE app_prod;

Deleting the user app_prod:

mysql> DROP USER app_prod;

Use the official MySQL documentation for additional info about user and database management.


Conneting to your Database:

psql -h FQDN -d postgres -U dbadmin
# at first you can use the default database 'postgres' to be able to connect.

Creating a new database named app_prod:

postgres=> CREATE DATABASE app_prod;

Creating a new user named app_prod:

postgres=> CREATE USER app_prod WITH PASSWORD 'strongpassword';

Granting the user app_prod privileges to the database app_prod:

postgres=>  GRANT ALL ON app_prod TO app_prod;

For granting more specified privileges, find the details in the official postgres documentation: DDL privileges.

Changing the user app_prod's password:

postgres=> ALTER USER app_prod WITH PASSWORD 'newstrongpassword';

Deleting the database app_prod:

postgres=> DROP DATABASE app_prod;

Deleting the user app_prod:

postgres=> DROP USER app_prod;

Use the official Postgres documentation for additional info about user and database management.